Saturday, November 24, 2012

When in Florida

Sawgrass Recreation Park

     The Sawgrass Recreation Park is family owned and operated and a great place for decently-priced souvenirs. They have air boat tours as well as live exhibits, but if you've already seen alligators, it may not be worth the price of a seat on an air boat, unless you just want to see them move or to have someone tell you a little about them.
     This park is a great place to view wildlife. There were a lot of black vultures in the parking area, tortoises, birds, raccoons, black panthers, baby alligators (and they let you hold them!) as well as adult ones, various large lizards, pigs, snakes, and lots of little scrub lizards.
     I recommend this attraction to anyone who likes reptiles, and zoos. I suggest wearing comfortable shoes, as there is a little walking to do through the exhibit areas, and comfortable clothes, since the exhibits are outside in the sun.

To learn more about this attraction, visit their website at

Friday, November 23, 2012

When in Florida

Packard Antique Car Museum

     My mother and I also visited the Antique Car Museum while we were in Florida. We aren't really interested in old cars particularly, but spent a couple hours there, just working our way around, taking lots of pictures for my dad to look at when we returned home. This is a definite must for anyone interested in old cars, since this museum has antiques of everything that has to do with cars: old gearshift knobs, emblems, ornaments, gas station items, signs, toys, of course lots of cars, car mirrors, cigarette lighters, a punch bowl, a piano, a hearse, a firetruck, typewriters, spark plugs, parking meters, ashtrays, a jukebox... you name it, they probably have it. It was a lot bigger than we expected. And they have a room dedicated to presidents. And lots of books.
     Make sure you take cash or check to pay the entry fee, which isn't much compared to the other attractions in the area, because they don't take card. They ask you not to touch the cars, to help keep them in pristine condition, so the museum is not really ideal for kids who have to touch everything.

To learn more about this attraction, visit their website at

When in Florida

IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum

     When my mother and I were in Florida on vacation a few months ago, we went to the International Game and Fish Association's Hall of Fame and Museum. We were surprised at how much we enjoyed ourselves there. It was a whole lot less boring than we expected and a lot more diverse in presentation than we could have imagined.
     This attraction is not only for people who enjoy to fish and who are looking to learn about fishing, but also for those who enjoy wildlife, art, and history. The museum has more to offer to adults than expected and interactive learning for growing children.

Monday, September 17, 2012

When in Florida
Flamingo Gardens
Florida Scrub Lizard

     For both Butterfly World and Flamingo Gardens, I suggest you set aside at least a day for exploration, especially if you're "into" animals, plants and trees, and photography. My mom and I did both these attractions within the same day and almost didn't get to see everything. And I would have loved to have taken more time to watch the animals for a little while longer than just glancing when passing by and stopping for a little more than a few seconds for a quick picture. Both of these places are pretty big, and both have a lot to see and watch, and take pictures of. They have some things in common, but are totally different places and attractions in my book. I highly recommend both. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

When in Florida
Butterfly World

     Recently my mother took me on a cruise to the Bahamas. This included four nights in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, two nights on the Bahamas Celebration cruise ship, and two nights on Grand Bahama Island. When checking into our hotel in Florida, we picked up some coupons/advertisements in the lobby, and when in our room for the night, we looked through the small cards to plan our stay and visits. Although Butterfly World was a little expensive for our budget, I just had to go, and so my mom went with me just to quell my excitement at the thought of such a place.