Monday, September 17, 2012

When in Florida
Flamingo Gardens
Florida Scrub Lizard

     For both Butterfly World and Flamingo Gardens, I suggest you set aside at least a day for exploration, especially if you're "into" animals, plants and trees, and photography. My mom and I did both these attractions within the same day and almost didn't get to see everything. And I would have loved to have taken more time to watch the animals for a little while longer than just glancing when passing by and stopping for a little more than a few seconds for a quick picture. Both of these places are pretty big, and both have a lot to see and watch, and take pictures of. They have some things in common, but are totally different places and attractions in my book. I highly recommend both. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

When in Florida
Butterfly World

     Recently my mother took me on a cruise to the Bahamas. This included four nights in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, two nights on the Bahamas Celebration cruise ship, and two nights on Grand Bahama Island. When checking into our hotel in Florida, we picked up some coupons/advertisements in the lobby, and when in our room for the night, we looked through the small cards to plan our stay and visits. Although Butterfly World was a little expensive for our budget, I just had to go, and so my mom went with me just to quell my excitement at the thought of such a place.